Blog Action Day 09 : Climate Change entry from little girl in Thailand


This year I join the campaign of Blog Action Day to blog about the Climate Change. I think this is hard entry because I’m not professional  about environment and world problem. I’m just a little blogger who want to be a part of powerful to make world change. Thk pic

  • Surrounding you with Climate Change

At this time, many people in the world interest in this problem : Climate Change. Why not? Because of the impact of if, the temperature is high and higher or Afraid of Died. It’s no best answer for the question but I think it’s good to aware in something that will be effect with the world’s life.

Let’s think about your daily life, everybody word and do the same thing all the time. I’m wake up, go to university ,back home ,sleep and wake up again and again. One day you will wake up and found nothing to valuable to do anymore because the World will die, Are you feel guilty? or feel nothing.

I will use my life to be an example of the wrong action.

  1. Open TV and computer together, I don’t want to watch TV but I open it because It’s habit
  2. I have never unplug of electric equipment, It always be in stand by mode.
  3. I shop at the department store and get many plastic bag from there.
  4. I like to eat a chilled food so I keep everything in refrigerator even through it is hot.
  5. Open air condition every time I can.

What about you?. Are you do the same as me?.

  • Easy way to help the world from this problem.

  1. Search and try to understand of the problem.
  2. Invite people surrounding you to aware about his problem.
  3. Use electric less as you can
  4. Don’t take a plastic bag if you don’t have to.
  • Project in Thailand to campaign for Climate ChangeClimate_Change_campain_6.jpg




  • Notation

– This is my first time to blog in English. If I use wrong sentence or word, please forgive me. I want to blog this entry in English because it’s international and I want to share my experience about the world’s problem like Climate Change.

“Don’t let other help the world and you do nothing because it’s your world too.”


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